Liberal Democrat candidate for the King Alfred division - 2022 Somerset County Council elections Learn more
The Somerset County Council administration is currently pursuing the formation of a unitary authority via the dissolution of the four extant District Councils and the County Council itself. The business case supporting this application has been delivered to the minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick, and we now have both his decision and the publication of a timeline of events from the County Council itself, and the new minister, Michael Gove.
This process will take time, but the business of running our county continues, and at this time this includes the Somerset Unitary election to form the Continuing Authority which will oversee the transition, which will take place in May 2022.
There are 58 electoral divisions in Somerset and I have put myself forward as a candidate for King Alfred , the division which shares a boundary with Mendip (Mendip West) on the Somerset Levels.
To read about me as your candidate, please click here.
As always, if you have any thoughts or questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 01458 860344 (home) or 07766 382563 (mob). You can also reach me via the contact page on this website by clicking here.